Monitoring Service

Media Monitoring Service

@clipping is a media monitoring service that covers a wide breadth of media including newspapers, magazines, web sites and TV in Japan. With a history of 50 years (*1).

Print Media Monitoring

@clipping monitors newspapers, including national and regional newspapers as well as trade and industry journals, and magazines ranging from big-name down to low-frequency, special-interest magazines.
Visual monitoring by our professional staff enables the following searches, which are beyond the capability of key word database search services:
♦ Subject-specific searches and broad phrase searches (e.g. searches for articles related to the XYZ industry and articles on foreigners working in Japan)
♦ Searches for “free gift columns,” “advertising columns,” and “photos attached to articles”
Our media monitoring staff, trained through their day-to-day work, have a read error rate of less than 0.01%, ensuring high-quality monitoring.
<Basic monitoring service fee>
♦ 16,000 yen per key word per month
♦ 18,000 yen per subject per month
<Per-clip fee>
♦ 100 yen for general newspapers, trade and financial journals, and sports newspapers
♦ 220 yen for professional newspapers and English-language newspapers
♦ 440 yen for monthly magazines
♦ 800 yen for special media
(Per-clip fees may change depending on the purchase cost of media items.)

Web Media Monitoring

@clipping has a system in place that automatically monitors online media ranging from major portal sites to special niche news sites. The system enables comprehensive searches for relevant articles, including ones that are difficult to find by query or impossible to find with Google News or Google Alerts. Just set up a key word or words that are likely to be included in relevant articles, and the system will provide you the articles you need by picking them out from among three to four million articles that appear at web news sites each month.
Automated media monitoring systems generally produce some noise (irrelevant articles). Our proprietary system has a noise rate as low as less than 0.05%, ensuring very high accuracy in search results. Besides, it allows you to set up complex search conditions such as “AND” and “EXCLUDE” conditions that contain more than one key word, making it possible to conduct searches that meet your requirements.
<Basic monitoring service fee>
♦ 25,000 yen per month
* Search conditions: AND or OR queries using up to five key words.

  • Operated initially by PRESS RESEARCH, INC., then Media Eyes, Inc., and now ATCLIPPING CO.,LTD., in a seamless way, @clipping is in its 50th year in business.